Thank You all for helping make Cloudcroft the Christmas Capital of NM 2023

What a whirlwind this last holiday season has been. "The Christmas Capital of New Mexico" is truly a magical place to visit. The immense amount of work that went into the making of this newly earned title is noteworthy. We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge some of the volunteers and community members that were key in helping it all come together. First and foremost we would like to thank Karen Sonnenfelt the former board president for her vision and endless dedication to hard work. The Chamber Board of Directors and their families who spent extensive volunteer hours assembling decorations. The Village of Cloudcroft for all of their support. Burro Street merchants embraced the season with all of the store front lights, decorations and trees. Additionally those merchants who embraced the Christmas Capital by creating their own ornaments, shirts and momentos. Sacramento Mountain Museum and Pioneer Village hosted the 'Vintage Christmas Village'. Neila Farmer enhanced this event with her time and energy. Select historical buildings were adopted by, The Cabins at Cloudcroft, Mountain Magic, The Lodge, Ski Cloudcroft, Camp Rio, FFA and ProStart/Joni Watson, Gail McCoy and Susan Maynard. Otero County Electric Co-Op held the Community Tree and lighting ceremony. This year with the help of Ellinger Logging and the U.S Forest Service we had an impressive tree, over thirty-feet tall. Prior Mayor William Denney assisted with many efforts related to the tree including the final dressing of it. Tularosa Basin Telephone Company assisted with the equipment necessary to decorate it. First Methodist Church provided hot cocoa, cider and cookies at the lighting ceremony. Vyanca Vega put together the best parade ever. The work just didn't stop, hundreds of volunteer hours were accumulated. Dozens of people's hard work and involvement in planning and coordinating the finished product paid off. Thank you to everyone, for an absolutely wonderful Christmas unlike any other in this extra special little town of Cloudcroft

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